For urgent and emergency treatment please call between 9am and 10am to be put on our daily priority list
For out of hours emergencies please call
0161 476 9651
Available from 9am to 9.30pm every day, including weekends and Bank Holidays
Est. 1975
Composite bonding is an increasingly popular treatment in which a thin layer of high-quality white filling material is glazed over the front of the teeth without causing any damage to the underlying teeth, producing a beautiful appearance for a fraction of the price of traditional porcelain veneers that is safe and completely reversible.
Naturally occurring blotchy white spot lesions in teeth, which can be caused by early decay or childhood illnesses, can be very effectively treated with ICON resin infiltration to produce a smooth and uniform appearance to the teeth.
Starting from £200 per tooth
We also offer a composite bonding conditioning service to maintain your composite treatments at their best. Combining hygiene therapy with specific composite maintenance techniques allows to produce the optimum appearance of your previous composite bonding treatment, and includes the following:
- Ultrasonic scaling and mechanical polishing for all the teeth
- Interdental cleaning and tailored oral hygiene instruction
- Composite polishing with specialised abrasive discs and diamond wheels
- Airflow polishing with high quality powders for enhanced stain removal
- Composite conditioning glaze to finish with a strong and stunning shine
Only £99